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It is difficult for China A516 Gr 60 steel price to rise sharply continuously

Posted:2021-04-26 17:10:46
A516 Gr 60 steel price

Since the first quarter, A516 Gr 60 steel prices have repeatedly reached new highs. Because of the large increase and rapid rise in the early stage, the difficulty of transmission to downstream industry is increasing, and the A516 Gr 60 steel price in the later period is difficult to continue to rise substantially, so the main fluctuation should be small.

In March, the demand for downstream steel in the domestic market was strong, the price in the international market rose, the export also maintained growth, and the market expectation strengthened, which promoted the continuous rise of A516 Gr 60 steel prices. According to the monitoring of China Steel Association, at the end of March, China's steel price index was 136.28 points, 4.92 points or 3.75% higher than that at the end of February, and 37.07 points or 37.37% higher than that at the end of February.

Since April, A516 Gr 60 steel prices have increased first and then decreased, and the overall upward trend continues to fluctuate. From the demand side, since March, steel prices have risen rapidly and significantly, so the steel industry in the downstream such as shipbuilding and household appliances is difficult to bear the continuous high steel price, and it is difficult to keep rising sharply in the later stage.
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