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X52 steel plate surface quality standards that need to be met

Posted:2024-04-18 16:20:36

1.There should be no cracks, scars, folds, air bubbles, inclusions, and visually visible delaminations on the surface of X52 steel plates that are harmful to use. If there are any of the above defects, it is allowed to be removed, and the depth of removal should not exceed the thickness tolerance of X52 steel plates half, but the minimum thickness allowed by the X52 steel plate should be guaranteed, and the cleared part should be smooth without edges and corners.

2.Other local defects that do not affect the use are allowed on the surface of the X52 steel plate, but the small thickness allowed by the X52 steel plate should be guaranteed.

3.For X52 steel plates delivered without trimming, the depth of edge cracks and other defects in the width direction should not be greater than half of the allowable width deviation, and the minimum width of X52 steel plates should be guaranteed.

4.Welding repair is not allowed on the surface of X52 steel plate.

5. After negotiation between the supplier and the buyer, the defect depth and affected area of X52 steel plate can also be measured according to GB/T14977.


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