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Main grades and uses of carbon tool steel

Posted:2021-03-29 11:22:00

T7(A) carbon tool steel: Tools with small impact load and appropriate hardness and good toughness, such as chisel, drill, hammer, bar tools, etc.

T8(A) carbon tool steel: Various tools with low impact load and high hardness, such as cutters, saw blades, drilling tools, vice teeth, etc.

T8Mn(A) tool steel: Horizontal file, hand saw blade, chisel for coal mine, chisel for stonework, etc.

T9(A) tool steel: All kinds of tools with certain toughness and high hardness, such as punching die (head), woodworking saw, rock drilling tools.

T10(A) carbon tool steel: Tools that are not subject to impact load and have sharp edges, such as turning tools, planers, taps, milling cutters, molds, incisions, files, chisels, etc.

T11(A) carbon tool steel: It can be used as cutting edge constant heat tools, such as tap, reamer, file, die, gauge, cutter, penalty knife, die, etc.

T12(A) tool steel: Tools that are not impacted, the cutting speed is not high, and the knife edge does not change hot, such as turning tools, milling cutters, drills, dies, taps, dies, drills, etc.

T13(A) tool steel: Used as hard metal cutting tools, such as torture knives, razors, wire drawing tools, files, drills, hard stone adding tools, carving tools, etc.

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