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Rolling process of DH36 high strength ship steel plate

Posted:2022-09-28 11:26:39

Regression analysis was conducted on the low-temperature impact toughness and chemical composition of DH36 high strength ship steel plate, and the relationship between low-temperature impact toughness and chemical composition of steel plate was analyzed. With reference to international and domestic ship plate steel standards and composition design ideas, the influence of various chemical elements on comprehensive properties such as strength, toughness, welding performance and corrosion resistance was studied. The chemical composition of DH36 high strength ship steel plate was optimized.

According to the chemical composition of DH36 high strength ship steel plate, combined with the company's production processes such as steelmaking, refining, determine the process parameters optimization and a large number of trials, at the same time improve than the amount of water in the process of continuous casting billet production, drawing speed, degree of superheat, such as production, by sampling and testing of the sample were analyzed, and determine the optimized continuous casting production process.

Basic process flow of DH36 high strength ship steel plate. The key factors such as different deformation amount, deformation temperature, final rolling temperature and cooling rate of DH36 high strength ship steel plate were studied. According to impact energy detection and metallographic structure observation, the optimal controlled rolling and controlled cooling process was determined to obtain qualified products.

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