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What is the difference between Q235B and Q235D steel

Posted:2020-11-10 11:24:13
Q235D steel
What is the difference between Q235B and Q235D steel?

Q235 steel is divided into four types: Q235A, Q235B, Q235C and Q235D steel. This is the classification of grades, which represents the difference of impact temperature in performance!
Q235A: not need impact;
Q235B: 20℃ room temperature impact;
Q235C: 0℃ impact;
Q235D steel: - 20℃ impact.

At different impact temperature, the impact value is also different.
The main mechanical properties of Q235D steel are as follows: yield strength: 235 MPa; tensile strength: 375-460 MPa; elongation: 26%; impact energy: 27J. In the steel plates, Q235 is the most common material, belongs to the carbon steel plate series.

Q in Q235D steel represents the yield of this material, and the following 235 refers to the yield value of this material, which is about 235 MPa. The yield value decreases with the increase of Q235D steel thickness.
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